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Money Matters

A.A.A. Money Matters Working Group.
Notes on the meeting held on Monday, 14th November 2016.

There were just ten attendees at this meeting but nevertheless it was a productive meeting. Sophie Macnair of the DWP Independent State Pension Age Review Team gave an update on the progress of the Review headed by John Cridland, CBE. An interim report and consultation has been published, seeking research, insights and evidence to support the continuing review. The final report is due to be published early next year, with the Government’s response to follow thereafter. Anyone can direct questions to Sophie at sophie.macnair1@dwp.gsi.gov.uk if they need clarification or any further information. She did also mention that communications is an important issue under consideration, and she invited members of the group to give feedback on how the Government can best inform people about changes to pension age.

Pension Credit take-up was the next topic, and Mark Henderson (DWP support) reported that he and another colleague had recently attended a stakeholder event in Sheffield and gave a presentation on Pension Credit (focusing on take-up). He commented on how many people do not see this as an entitlement but as ‘charity’, and the DWP need to get the right message across concerning this. He also mentioned that there are now 290 accredited organisations across the country who can act in the capacity of ‘Alternative Offices’, with AgeUK being the biggest supporter of this. Members commented that the take-up rates could be improved if the DWP focused on promoting the extra amounts that are available to people with severe disabilities, caring responsibilities or certain housing costs. Mark agreed to report these suggestions to the National Employer and Partnership Team, and to invite a representative to attend the next meeting.

Members enquired about an update to the Scams leaflet, to which the Chair advised that funds will be required to cover the printing costs, and members were encouraged to seek such funding from their various companies. Mention was also made of the possibility of the East Midlands Later Life Forum participating in the project of ‘Older adults and cyber security’ currently being proposed by Dr. Neil Chadborn of Nottingham University, providing the necessary funding is forthcoming. The meeting was interested in this matter and asked to be kept up to date with progress.

Elcena Jeffers of the Elcena Jeffers Foundation then outlined her proposal on a ‘Buy the Money’ initiative, which would encourage the Government to work towards eliminating World Poverty. She asked the group to ensure that older peoples’ voices are heard, and encouraged everyone to lobby the Government about supporting this initiative. A letter of support will be sent on behalf of the group.

Other topics discussed included – research on digital engagement which looked at the confidence levels of different online user groups; a Financial Inclusion seminar organised by the British Bankers Association (which only one person had heard about!); potential issues arising in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement; the Business Rates Retention consultation; and the promotion of the Warm Homes Discount Scheme. Sally West of AgeUK mentioned that she was working on the Work & Pensions Select Committee’s Report on Intergenerational Fairness, as well as how to encourage people to use Powers of Attorney, and she will report back to the next meeting on her findings etc.

The Chair mentioned the proposed Workshop which the East Midlands Later Life Forum are proposing to hold in the Spring of 2017 on ‘Financial Poverty and the Poverty of Opportunity’ as they affect older people, and he will report back at a later date. This concluded the meeting.

Barry W. Wilford.
Chair – Money Matters Group.

Janice Cooper, 14th November 2017